What I Think…

Takut Kalah atau Teruja Untuk Menang?

Afraid to Lose or Excited to Win?

Assalamualaikum and greetings everyone, Recently, we have all witnessed how competitive the sports competition at the Olympics in France is. In every sporting event, I'm sure there will be two things that always play in the mind of the athletes: fear of losing...

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Bila Lagi Nak Tunggu Untuk Berubah: Peluang Jadi Lebih Hebat

When to Wait to Change: Opportunities to Become Greater

Assalamualaikum and greetings to all, Datuk Wira Dr. Azizan Osman here again. I am writing with disappointment but also with great hope for all of you, SME entrepreneurs. I have often noticed that many of you do not understand the importance of...

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