The Power of Perspective: How Changing Your Perspective Can Change Your Business

Recently, I read an interesting email from MIT Sloan offering a course on "The Power of Perspective" for thousands of ringgit. At first, we may wonder – is simply changing the perspective worth the price? However, based on my experience as an entrepreneur and business mentor, I realize how valuable the right perspective is.

This week, I was traveling in China, and it gave me a powerful reminder of how important perspective is. During my first visit in 2010, China seemed far behind Malaysia in many aspects. Our infrastructure, technology, and business practices feel years ahead.

However, now I am amazed at the changes that have taken place. China is now seen to be at least 5 years more advanced than us in various fields. This is a real example of how fast change can happen when we have the right perspective and vision for growth.

This dramatic transformation made me think about the important role of perspective for entrepreneurs. Here are 5 main reasons why the right perspective is so important:

  1. It allows you to see opportunities that others overlook. With a fresh perspective, you can see gaps in the market that are not obvious to others.
  2. It helps you anticipate future trends. The right perspective gives you the foresight to prepare for what's to come, not just react to the present.
  3. It enables more innovative problem solving. Looking at challenges from a new angle leads to creative solutions you wouldn't have considered before.
  4. It expands your possibilities. The right perspective shows what is truly achievable, beyond your current limitations.
  5. It motivates courageous action. When you get a broader view, it gives you the confidence to make a big move.

I have seen first hand how powerful a change of perspective can be. One of my Titan entrepreneurs recently increased their sales by several million ringgit per month, just by adopting the new perspective I shared on their market position and growth strategy. It really changes the way they see their business potential.

So how can you actively work to gain a better perspective as an entrepreneur? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Travel and expose yourself to different cultures and business environments.
  2. Find mentors and advisors who can offer a fresh perspective.
  3. Read widely, especially outside your industry.
  4. Attend conferences and workshops to learn from a variety of experts.
  5. Practice seeing your business through the eyes of your customers.
  6. Periodically, step back from day-to-day operations to see the big picture.
  7. Challenge your assumptions and be willing to change your mind.

Remember, your perspective shapes everything – from the opportunities you see to the decisions you make. Investing time and resources in expanding your perspective is not only valuable, but essential for any entrepreneur aiming for transformative growth.

I think this is one of the keys to the success of many millionaire entrepreneurs mentored by RichWorks, especially Titan. And there is another key, no matter how high it rises, stay humble and be aware of where we started from...

Datuk Wira Dr Azizan Osman
Business Mentor

For more insights and inspirational stories from me, visit Blog Datuk Wira Dr. Azizan Osman.


  1. Azlan omar

    Alhamdulillah.. I always follow info and information that RICHWORKS SALINAN.. VERY ENCOURAGING. God willing I will definitely become a Titan under the guidance of richwork one day...

  2. norita

    Best every info shared by dwdao or the richworks team. always getting new input but not fully acting because still working and being a product user while selling


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